Everyone makes fun of Asian drivers.

They change lanes quickly, they don’t use turn signals, they can’t park, they eat dogs, etc.

good luck everybody else!

But it sounds like the new terrible driver stereotype should be Amanda Bynes.

Check out her driving record from just March to September 2012:

March 7, 2012: Bynes is pulled over for allegedly talking on her cell phone. She then allegedly fled the scene before the officer finished writing her ticket. She wasn’t arrested and reportedly went to the police station later that day to sign her ticket.

April 4, 2012: Bynes is arrested for DUI. The 26-year-old actress is reportedly pulled over around 3 a.m. in West Hollywood after trying to pass a police car in her BMW and side-swiping the vehicle. Bynes allegedly refuses to take a Breathalyzer or drug test at the scene of the accident and is taken into custody. She is released from jail at 10:30 a.m. Her bail had been set at $5,000.

August 4, 2012: Bynes allegedly rear-ends a driver on L.A.’s Ventura Boulevard, inflicting $800 worth of damage; according to what the driver told police, Bynes sees no problem with the car and drives away without exchanging insurance information or allowing for a police call to assess the situation. Bynes argues that the two both agreed there was minimal damage.

Sept. 16, 2012: Bynes’ black BMW is impounded after she is pulled over and cited for driving with a suspended license.

LA: where you can’t smoke a cigarette in public yet you can smoke crack behind the wheel

But just because she did All That doesn’t mean she can’t drive now!

In another sign she’s on the road to recovery, Amanda Bynes is legally allowed to drive again, DMV records show.

Bynes, 28, whose license was suspended after two hit-and-run charges and a DUI arrest in 2012, was spotted driving a black BMW with her father last Sunday around Los Angeles.

Welp, we’re screwed.

Memo to LA drivers:

If you have a car, buy an SUV.

If you have an SUV, buy a larger SUV.

If you have a large SUV, buy a decommissioned military vehicle.


Apparently, you can commit 5 driving crimes in 6 months (hit and run, hitting a police car, DUI, driving with a suspended license, fleeing the scene) and get your license back in just a year and a half!

I bet all the people who have had their licenses suspended for years after just one of these infractions are thrilled to find that out.

So if you see a black BMW 5 or 6-series, get the hell out of the way.

Not only could it be an Asian driver—it could be Amanda Bynes.

oh good, she asks drake to murder her vagina from behind the wheel now.  i feel safer