With all the crap Buzzfeed articles about the nostalgia of colored ketchup and Rio MP3 players (omg NOSTALGIA) you’d think the 90s were back in vogue (voguevoguevogue).

Here’s one throwback you probably wanted to forget.

Vanity Fair tracked down the one and only Monica Lewinsky.

And in exchange for a free meal (allegedly) she discusses turning 40, how much she still loves Bill, and why she’s basically been a hermit for the past decade and a half.

can she legally still wear a white dress?

She throws shade on everyone, from Bill to Hillary to the media to…Beyonce:

she requests one correction of Beyoncé, regarding the lyrics to her recent hit “Partition”: “Thanks, Beyoncé, but if we’re verbing, I think you meant ‘Bill Clinton’d all on my gown,’ not ‘Monica Lewinsky’d.

Still (cl)assy after all these years!

So why is she surfacing now?

According to Lewinsky:

Lewinsky writes that following [Tyler] Clementi’s tragedy “my own suffering took on a different meaning. Perhaps by sharing my story, I reasoned, I might be able to help others in their darkest moments of humiliation. The question became: How do I find and give a purpose to my past?” She also says that, when news of her affair with Clinton broke in 1998, not only was she arguably the most humiliated person in the world, but, “thanks to the Drudge Report, I was also possibly the first person whose global humiliation was driven by the Internet.” Her current goal, she says, “is to get involved with efforts on behalf of victims of online humiliation and harassment and to start speaking on this topic in public forums.”

Look, when you screw the married President, you can’t reasonably expect to just go silently into the night. It was her dumb luck that her story became the first major scandal of the Internet age.

It’s real hard to have sympathy for a woman who turned adultery into a line of purses on the Home Shopping Network, a Jenny Craig endorsement, and a book deal. And now she’s comparing herself to a teen who committed suicide because his roommate turned on a webcam while he was kissing a dude?

When you blow the Prez and get him impeached, you leave a bad taste in everyone’s mouth.

where’s his other hand?