Katie Couric is like that cunty friend of your mom’s who is all prim and proper that nobody likes that you see completely cut loose at one party and get super drunk and then act like it never happened but you remember and everyone remembers and laughs over it when she’s not around.

i came

Which is why it’s no surprise that after taking a $15 million contract to host the CBS Evening News and doing an absolutely terrible job at it, Katie turned herself into a martyr:

‘In private, Katie – who had recently turned 50 – was now beginning to actively and repeatedly compare herself to the embattled but energized Hillary Clinton,’ writes author Shelia Weller.
‘Katie deeply related to Hillary; she felt she was being pummeled as the first female anchor just like Clinton was being pummeled as the first major female presidential candidate.’

Yes, because running for president is the same as being given a $15-million-a-year job.

Before you start feeling bad for her, most of the CBS anchors you know and love had to take enormous pay cuts just to fund Katie’s massive bonus:

Morley Safer was supposed to earn 30% less, Lesley Stahl was asked to take $500,000 less in salary and Ed Bradley – who died soon after from leukemia – was also supposed to take a cut, according to an extract from the book first published by the New York Daily News.

These are all talented people who are excellent at their jobs, and because a new HBIC came in they were asked to do the same exact job…for less.

I hope Ed Bradley put the following in his will: “F*** Katie Couric”.

trust no bitch

Of course, Katie was a joy to work with:

Couric was described as unfriendly and abrasive by ex-CBS staffers interviewed for the book.
‘Katie can put on a charm offensive if she wants to,’ the book says. ‘But really, she doesn’t give a s*** about you only as much as it affected her.’

Gee, sounds just like Hillary Clinton…without the charm offensive.

How would Hillary enjoy this comparison, btw?