Rumer Willis, the offspring of the steely-gazed Bruce Willis and the classically sexy Demi Moore, looks like someone who had an allergic reaction.

If one wanted to be mean, they could state that three titties can’t hide how ugly Rumer Willis is, but we’re super nice here so we would never dare. Mostly because we like her hair but whatever.

can someone please put away the peanuts.  and these melons

This is proof positive that two attractive people don’t create another attractive person.

why couldn’t they have just adopted me instead

In trying to distract from her weird chin, Rumer (seriously, where do they get these names from) wore a shirt with the imprint of the chick with three tits from Total Recall. Thrilling.

This was at a “Free the Nipple Fundraiser” to support the cause of…forcing Instagram to lift it’s “no nudity” policy.

Scout, Rumer’s sister (a line I never thought I’d write) was photographed completely topless in NYC recently as a protest of the policy, and followed up with a 7,000 word essay (why liberal arts majors ruin everything, Volume XXXVI).

it’s cool i found just the most interesting part

Here’s why this is ridiculous.

This is Instagram. It’s a private company that, in order to remain family friendly, says “post no tits plz”.

All the money and effort going into forcing them to change their policy can be going towards making an Instagram competitor where you can show as many tits as your tits desire.

So why is nobody doing that?

Because it’s easier to whine and complain and rail against “the man” (Instagram) than be smart and creative and build a new sandbox to play in.

It’s not like, by government mandate, we all have to post photos ONLY to Instagram otherwise they simply can’t be sent over the Internet.

That would be terrible. Think of what that would do for porn.