I don’t know if you all watched the premiere of SNL (I know I didn’t but that doesn’t make me unqualified to write about it!!!) but besides the first Weekend Update actor of color and Jennifer-Lawrence-with-a-penis Chris Pratt hosting, they also featured a new castmember who was born in 1993.



He’s 20.

my voice cracked last week!

So at the same age that you were when you bequeathed your fake ID onto a younger sibling or friend (or if you’re not an Asian girl, realized you could buy beer without claiming to be Buff Chudrucker, 57-year-old-escaped-convict from West Virginia, that’s why you may think this isn’t an authentic driver’s license, just please let me buy some Natty Light so I can get back to the party) this kid made his SNL debut.

Also, his dad was a New York City firefighter killed in 9/11, which is a weird juxtaposition when I remember the first SNL episode after 9/11 like it was yesterday.

Basically, what I’m saying is that this kid is younger than me and it makes me uncomfortable about myself and I’m gonna go microdermabrase my face off.

He’s talented, though, and he deserves it, even if he looks like some wacky Lonely Island creation where Andy Samberg sends his long lost son to recover some SNL glory.

this kid could be chevy chase’s great-grandson