Catchy title tune, right?

Ya know, the great thing about being as big an actor as James Franco, is the artistic freedom you get to fund whatever flicks you like. And because of Franco’s new movie, North Korea’s dear leader wants to wage war on our land of such freedoms. For James, making bank on typical Hollywood films was a means to an end for a long time. Sure he hated some of the stuff he did, like Tristan and Isolde. But at the end of those projects sat giant cash piles and notoriety – the perfect combination for respectively making your own projects and getting people to actually pay to watch them. And one of his favorite screen pals, Seth Rogen, has served as his other half for making beautiful music together – both metaphorically since Freaks and Geeks and literally – with an ongoing gag of this quasi homo bro-mance that I adore.

Now, the pair have moved on to this new controversial film called “The Interview”.

The last movie I saw with this title had Sienna Miller and Steve Buscemi in it. She’s so painfully gorgeous that I couldn’t turn it off – despite the excruciatingly long dialogues and (insert played out joke about Buscemi’s teeth ‘cause that’s an easy target). In this same-title-different-movie adventure, Franco and Rogen play talk show hosts that visit North Korea to interview Un – with the intention of assassinating him upon arrival.

Argo meets Pineapple Express?

And now Kim Jong Un’s about as happy as the Muslims were when that film about Muhammad was made (that nobody even really knew existed. Until they got mad about it. And then everyone probably watched it). Un reportedly got pissed off, calling it a “wanton act of terror by gangster movie-makers”, and calling on US administration to ban the film from being screened. If we don’t, he warns it’ll trigger “resolute and merciless response”.

You must chill out, my dude. I get that where you live, people get mortared to death for embarrassing you. But here’ in ‘murca we have freedom of speech. Some of us don’t even erase bad comments that get said about us on our own blogs or video channels or Facebook accounts. Why? ‘cause we understand that we can’t control what other people think about us. Over there, you might be like the son of god – but here you’re just the son of a funny puppet.

Really – was his dad this butthurt over “Team America”?


Genius marketing, Franco.

I’ll go to the theaters for this one, so I can see it before the missile attacks.