My younger readers can go back to their Instagrams and their selfies, this is for those of us whose nuts dropped before 9/11.

Casey Kasem was a radio DJ since sound could be transmitted digitally, and for over 20 years had a hot blonde wife named Jean Kasem who is approximately 7 feet tall.


Kasem has been incapacitated as of late, but this apparently hasn’t stopped his wife from getting a little “D” on the side.

Better yet, she’s smart, keeping her lover holed up in a Malibu condo she and Casey own:

A neighbor at the luxury, 10-unit building overlooking the Pacific confirmed that a man named John Paul (JP) Gressy is now living in the 450 square-foot condo that the Kasems have owned for many years.

Look, I’m not going to judge on the morality of cheating on your terminally ill husband while he’s still alive (it’s wrong, disgusting, you should be ashamed of yourself if this is true) but the next time this woman claims she’s a victim because Casey’s kids are suddenly trying to help their dad in his declining months it puts things into perspective.

Also, this:

But, said Clarke: ‘The reality is nothing close to that. She would abandon him for 9,10, 11 days at a time. I have notes from doctors saying, “Mr. Kasem’s wife says she’s coming to visit him but she never shows up.”
‘One hospital he was in discharged him and Jean didn’t come to pick him up for seven days. He had to stay in the hospital for that extra week till she showed up.’

Look, I’m not going to judge on the morality of not visiting your terminally ill husband while he’s still clinging to life (what the fuck is wrong with you, how could you do something like that, were you high when the priest said ’til death do us part’?) but the next time this woman claims she’s a victim because Casey’s children only care about his dad’s $80 million fortune it puts things into perspective.

trust no b*tch