Courtney Stodden is one of those celebrities that brings together wildly different demographics: obsessed gay men, horny straight men, teenage girls, and absolutely no one else.

Wait…come to think of it…that’s literally every female pop star.

Damn you Madison Avenue and the fact that you developed sexual orientation as a means to sell your record albums!

Anyway, Courtney Stodden is splitting up with Doug Hutchison, her 53!-year-old husband who is known as that guy in The Green Mile who wasn’t Tom Hanks or black.

But the surprising fact: they don’t have a prenup. That means if they divorce—she pretty much gets half of what he owns.

“I did offer him a prenup but he did not want to sign one,” Courtney says about her 53-year-old husband. “I offered and he said, ‘I don’t want to do that because I trust you and we’re getting married.’ He didn’t want a prenup. So we’ve talked about what we want to do financially now.”

Her take on the entire relationship is…surprisingly mature:

“Doug and I were in love, but over time that love shifted into something that wasn’t romantic anymore,” says Stodden.

“I think the age difference is obvious, and I lacked experience, and I think that definitely is 99.999% of it,” she says of the split. “I think I didn’t have experience being youthful or experience being single, so definitely the age difference and the lack of experience.”

Btw, they still live in the same home, so if any of you are into 16 year old huge-titted teen brides or older men who marry 16 year old huge-titted teen brides, be prepared to face the other if you’re coming back home with them for some horizontal mambo.

Underneath her hair color and chest-mounted life preservers, the cutesy giggle and the hesitant speech, it sounds like Stodden is not the idiot moneygrabber we all know and love.

She says “I consider myself a 21st century Renaissance girl … so stay tuned!”

I’m scared and intrigued. And still turned on.

modern day da vinci?