In the middle of all this Donald Sterling scandal/hoopla is his wife of 148 years, Shelly Sterling.

The typical questions in this kind of situation (where you’re caught red-handed boinking a girl old enough to be your great-granddaughter) are asked, but difficult to answer.

What did she know, and when did she know it?

I mean, after all, it’s not like you’re blowing off your wife to slither into a motel room to conduct some illicit tryst. You’re sitting courtside at the Clippers next to your girlfriend with your wife seated a couple seats away. She’d have to be blind, deaf, and dumb to not know anything was going on.

Shelly Sterling also addressed whether she knew Donald had cheated on her:

I can’t say if I was blind to it or I didn’t know to ask.

What the hell kind of answer is that?

It’s the answer of someone who knew, intimately, and simply didn’t give a sh*t.

Since the scandal broke, I’ve spoken to sources who interacted with Donald and Shelly the past few years, and besides being told universally that Donald is a creep and if you’re a young woman wearing a dress that you should prepare to be touched, was that Donald had his girlfriends, Shelly had her boyfriends, and they would frequently all go out to dinner together as one big happy swingin’ family.

Shelly said she considered seeking a divorce but that her lawyers said it would not benefit her.

“What’s the point at our age?” she said. “I still feel sorry for him. I think he’s going to make it right and he’ll be OK. ”

Of course they said that, because if she sought that then the first thing that would come out would be every infidelity she’s committed.

This is the man who hired four private investigators to go after NBA bosses. He wouldn’t hesitate to do the same if he felt threatened by his wife.

In a way, it’s kind of a strange situation. You get a feeling that Donald was never “in on the joke”. He’s an old man who got caught up with some crazy young broad taping him, and fought against everyone including his wife to relinquish control of the team when Shelly clearly knew it would be best to just sell the team and move on.

All the outrage over his comments was over the top. That’s not to say what he said wasn’t stupid or wrong, but for chrissakes–he’s a senile old fart, not the anti-Christ.

Sure, he lost courtside seats for the Clippers for life, but other than that, he got a higher price for his team than it was worth. In the end, he won.