A part of me feels bad for Donald Sterling.

Hold your tomatoes, I said “a part of me”.

Hear me out.

Donald Sterling comes from a time where men took out their girlfriends one night of the week and their wives another.

It was a time when JFK had Marilyn Monroe, Bobby Kennedy had Marilyn Monroe, and Teddy Kennedy had a lead foot.

So when I see Donald Sterling passed out on a beach lounger in Palm Springs surrounded by four attentive girls of various races, I only have one question: how much did they cost?


From all accounts, V. Stiviano is at best, crazy, and at worst, f**king nuts.

and she’s been replaced by a lookalike


The woman wears a visor and goes rollerblading when the paparazzi are around.

She gave a rambling interview where she confessed to some strange, frightfully unsexy pet names she and Sterling had for each other.

She claims she was beat up in NYC after a racist altercation with a stranger, and even a blind man could see she was wearing a bunch of makeup to make it look like someone punched her across the face.

And now that she’s fallen out of the headlines, no one cares about her.


Donald Sterling’s replaced her with four hotter lookalikes.

So maybe I don’t feel bad for him after all.