Dana Wilkey, also known as that annoying b*tch who wouldn’t shut the hell up about her $25,000 sunglasses, was arrested and indicted for fraud.

that’s your bail money

Here’s the deets:

Reports state that Dana and long-time Blue Shield employee Skylar Ariel Phoenix ‘entered into a fraudulent marketing contract’ between the healthcare company and Wilkey’s own Adwil Agency,
of which she is the president.

Wilkey is said to have given regular ‘kickbacks’ to both Skylar and her registered domestic partner, Lissa Michele Phoenix.

The FBI report details that the domestic partners ‘engaged in an illegal scheme to defraud Blue Shield by creating false employee records and time cards for work allegedly performed by Lissa Phoenix, when in truth no such work was performed’.

Dana came into the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills as a supporting player hanger-on, who literally served zero purpose.

Her other splurge expense was a million-dollar lollipop holder, which looked like something from the clearance bin at Claire’s.

think of all the actually-beautiful jewelry that could’ve been made with those diamonds

Anyway, as we know now, all the “friends” are usually debuted as little trial balloons for further seasons. If someone is a successful enough “friend”, like Brandi Glanville, you’ll see more of them.

If someone is a leftover sea hag from the OJ Simpson case, like Faye Resnick, you won’t see much more of them.

Although I kinda wish Dana and her classless assness was brought on the past couple seasons, just because we’d get to see her arrest worked into the storyline.

practicing for the security guards