Amanda Bynes returned to California with fire and brimstone—literally!

First, the actress was found in a Thousand Oaks neighborhood (where her parents live) PANTS ON FIRE as she was rushing to douse flames that were engulfing her small dog.

Then she took a taxi and escaped, was hunted down, and placed on 5150 psychiatric hold.

According to Andrew Liverpool, who first saw her ablaze:

“I quickly pull over to go help her and when I got over here. She put the fire out on her leg and was rushing over to her dog,” he recalled.
“I kicked the gas can over and moved it to the middle of the driveway so nothing else would catch on fire. And I said, ‘Are you OK?’ She was kind of frantic and discombobulated, and many people rushed over to try to assess the situation and when I looked back up, she was gone.”

This would actually be an excellent celebrity prank: do something completely bizarre then disappear.

Reese Witherspoon cocks a gun then runs away.

Steven Seagal brazenly shoplifts a bra then runs away.

Morgan Freeman shits his pants then runs away.

Anyway, back to Amanda—let’s hope this is all for some Joaquin Phoenix style meta-performance-art that we just don’t quite understand yet.