When it comes to Hollywood earnings, you’d be surprised at who makes what.

Gone are the days of the big-budget summer action movies or blockbusters where actors could make away like bandits even if the picture failed.

Now, actors are making back-end deals, where not only do they get a handsome salary, but they also get a “back-end” deal, which is a percentage of overall earnings.

One of the huge profiteers using this strategy is Robert Downey Jr., who signed up to get 7% of earnings from Iron Man 3–which translated to $75 million.

the subtly-satisfied look of a man who just made millions

Sandra Bullock, who had a 15% “first-dollar” deal on Gravity (15% of earnings from first release go to her), netted a whopping $70 million.

i wish i got paid for crawling through the mud in my underwear

But the clear winner?

Jim Carrey, who took $0 in salary for Yes Man and signed up for a back-end deal of 36.2%, “a move they mocked the actor for at the time as he agreed to forgo any salary for the film.”

suck it, losers

His gamble paid off, and he earned $81 million for the film.