So, there’s this pop star.

And she’s doing a tour.

Normally, such an event wouldn’t have enough of a resonating effect for me to regurgitate bits of it here. But I couldn’t help but recognize how much the themes of her onstage exercise routine that people took pictures of when they paid money and came and witnessed it unfold, reminded me of a favorite film, The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus. And I guess that association sorta made me warm up to the whole fuzzy infused spectacular I was seeing in the form of photo stills because, well, I’m easily influenced and seduced. And I have no mind of my own.

Like, for instance (speaking of fuzzies), I rather enjoyed the giant tongue entrance – very like the Parnassus “Join The Fuzz” scene:


Fellatial: flutes versus foam fingers…


And, naturally, the timeless tradition of lil people exploitation…


You’ve reached the end of this thing I made.

Thanks for permitting my brief permeation of your grey matter.

You may now resume subsisting as you were a moment ago.